Friday, December 9, 2011

Holiday Fire: A True Story

A fire and the heroic deeds of a concerned neighbor

Since the weekend is hours away, I was planning on writing a more upbeat blog; however, due to the fact this can happen to anyone, I figured I’d share a true story that could save a home or possibly even a life.
Since the weather has been becoming quite chilly, the homeowners felt that there’s nothing better than warm, relaxing fire to wrap up the evening. After the logs were in place and the fire was set, the couple went about their business.
About an hour later, a loud, hard banging noise at the door alarmed the homeowners. Bam, bam bam! “What in the world?” the lady of the house thought to herself, as she sprung up from her computer. As she scurried down the stairs, she saw that her husband was nowhere in sight. Bewildered by the situation, she decided to investigate and went outside to find her significant other. What she saw next, was a shocking sight.
Flames were shooting out of the side of her house, while her husband and neighbor were dousing the flames with a garden hose and fire extinguisher! “Holy cow,” she exclaimed as she ran back in the house to check on the fireplace. On the inside, the fire was still burning as it normally would. The only thing she noticed was that one of the logs seemed to be touching the back wall of the fireplace.
Seconds later, the flames were out, due to the handy work of the neighbor and a trusty fire extinguisher. Armed with a few pot holders and a shovel, he quickly loaded the burnt logs and fireplace grate into a wheelbarrow and dumped them out into the driveway to cool. After dousing the inside of the hot mantel with water, the fire department arrived and tore what was left to the wooden siding off the damaged area of the house.
Actual photo of the damage
Apparently, the fire in the fireplace heated up the blocks so much, that it cracked the cement sealant and started a fire on the outside of the house. At least that is what is understood. After the house is inspected, the couple will know for sure.
As for the lady of the house, that was me.
I wanted to share this story to make my readers more aware what can happen when you least expect it. I’ve also compiled a few fire safety tips to help keep you and your own family safe.  One can never be too careful when it comes to fire.

Fire safety tips:

·         Have your chimney swept and cleaned once a year
·         Have heating equipment inspected once per year
·         Clean all ducts including  clothes dryer ducts every year
·         Test some detectors once a month
·         Change batteries in a smoke detector once a year
·         Avoid overloading electrical outlets
·         Discard holiday light strings with frayed wires, cracked sockets or loose connections
·         Keep decor, curtains and furniture at least three feet from any sources of heat
·         Do not leave candles burning without being watched
·         Keep matches and lighters out of children’s reach
·         Use clothes dryers ONLY while someone is home or awake
·         Never leave the room while cooking
·         Keep fire extinguishers around the house in case of emergency
·         Do not purchase a dry or brittle Christmas tree
·         Turn off space heaters and extinguish fireplaces while sleeping or when leaving home
·         Make sure halogen lights are away from anything flammable
·         Have a fire escape route and meeting place mapped out
·         Do not smoke in bed or while sleepy
·         Stop, drop and roll, if clothing catches fire
·         Always stay low to the ground, if escaping a fire

Hopefully this situation doesn’t happen to you.
Thanks for taking the time to read my story as well as these fire safety tips. I also would like to thank my company for allowing me to share my story and most of all, a huge thank you to my neighbor for his kindness, concern, quick thinking and action. If it wasn’t for him and his son, I might not be writing this article today! I don’t think I can say thanks enough!
Please feel free to pass my story along and keep these fire safety tips in mind.
Stay safe!
~Charlene Marie

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