Monday, November 21, 2011

Tips for a Less Stressful Holiday Season

The holidays are almost here; how is your stress level?

Just when you thought you have everything figured out, you realized that you forgot the gravy for your holiday feast. After spending three exhausting hours at the grocery store last night, you were certain you had everything for tomorrow’s big day; yet, gravy is on your mind as you speed toward the airport to pick up your in-laws. “Arrrgh,” you yell, as you feel your blood pressure start to rise. When are you going to have time to get an important aspect of your meal when it’s almost 9 p.m. and the stores are about to close?
Here at Mechanics Discount, we have gathered a few tips to keep your stress levels at a minimum. After trying our suggestions below, hopefully you’ll feel stress start to melt away!
· Do what Santa does: make a list and check it twice!

I don’t know about you, but I probably would be at the store every night if I didn’t make one! Don’t like wasting paper? Download a note application on your cell phone. I downloaded the ColorNote app on mine and it works like a charm!

· Take time out for yourself

Although it’s the season to do a lot for others, just think about how much more you’ll enjoy your company or holiday events when you are relaxed. Take some time to do something that you take pleasure in. Enjoyment is typically a great remedy for stress.

· Buy yourself extra time with a pre-made holiday dinner.

This suggestion my sound unappealing, but it works out really well and no one will know but you! Many grocery stores have this option in their deli department. You can get a turkey, ham stuffing, vegetable casseroles, cranberry sauce and much more in these packaged bundles. You can mix and match the options and all you have to do is heat them up when you get home. I’ve taken this route many years and have gotten plenty of compliments on a great meal! Just don’t forget to order your meal-bundle ahead of time!

· Exercise

You hear this suggestion time and time again; however it’s healthy and is great advice. Even if you do sit-ups or push-ups while watching TV, it can help eliminate stress. Try kickboxing or take a jog with a friend. Playing a get-up-and-move game on the Wii or Xbox also counts! Exercise releases endorphins which causes the body to relax.

· Spend some time with furry friends

Did you know that pets relieve stress? They do! In fact, in Japan, people even rent pets! Pets can help improve your mood, provide unconditional love, encourage exercise and according to known studies, have shown to reduce blood pressure. Even on the worst of days, who can’t resist looking into the eyes of a puppy or kitten and smile?

· Don’t hold it in

Let out your stress by talking, writing or even tweeting about it! Even the littlest ways of letting your woes out in a verbal or written form can help stress.
Here’s another great tip: always be prepared on the road. Weather you break down or need to tighten a few bolts on a rattling car, having an emergency tool kit is essential.  Having one can save you time and money, which ultimately reduces stress! Below is another great device which can help when you are in a unappealing predicament:
Here is a 900 Peak Amp Ultra-Portable jump starter from Mechanics Discount.
Hope our advice helps and all the best to you and your family for happy and stress-free holidays!
Have any other tips for reducing stress? Let us know!
~Charlene Marie

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